
A discussion of common questions and topics in urology.

Why seek a second opinion?

Seeking a second opinion is a common practice. This means to get the opinion of another physician to determine if they agree with the first physician’s plan of care or potentially have other recommendations for treatment of the patient’s problem. Urology is a rapidly advancing field and receiving a second opinion from a fellowship trained, board certified urologist may provide you with a treatment strategy that is less invasive and/or more effective depending on your urologic problem. For example, a patient with a posterior renal mass may be seen by a urologist that is not proficient with robotic assisted laparoscopic retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy and be offered an open partial nephrectomy or percutaneous cryoablation for this mass. After evaluation, this same patient may be a candidate for a minimally invasive approach that leads to excellent oncologic control and quicker recovery.

Call Arkansas Urology to schedule a second opinion with Dr. Heulitt about your urologic problem.

Gerald Heulitt